Why Some Linux Users Refuse to Use Snap Package Manager

Snap, a universal packaging system from Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu, has been a topic of debate in the Linux community. While it offers some significant advantages, such as simplified software installation and automatic updates, it has also been met with resistance. Here are some reasons why some Linux users refuse to use Snap.

Proprietary Backend

One of the main criticisms of Snap is that its backend is proprietary and controlled by Canonical. This means that if you want to distribute snaps, you have to set up an account with Canonical and host it there. This has led to concerns about centralization and control, as it goes against the decentralized nature of open-source software development.

Performance Issues

Another common complaint about Snap packages is their performance. Snaps are often slower to install, slower to start, and use more RAM and disk space than traditional packages. This is because Snap packages contain all the dependencies needed for the software to run, which increases their size and can slow down their operation.


Snap packages auto-update themselves without asking the user. While this can be seen as a benefit in terms of keeping software up-to-date, it can also be a disadvantage. For example, an automatic update could potentially break a working system or use up bandwidth without the user’s knowledge.

System Integration

Snaps do not always respect system settings and can be restricted compared to their non-snap counterparts. This can lead to inconsistencies in the user experience and limit the functionality of the software.

Community Adoption

Community adoption of Snap has been mixed. Some Linux distributions still prefer to use existing packaging formats (e.g., DEB and RPM) and package managers (e.g., APT and DNF) or their alternative, Flatpak. This can lead to fragmentation and confusion among users.

Snap has its advantages, these issues have led some Linux users to refuse to use it. It’s important to note that these are not inherent flaws in the Snap system, but rather concerns that have been raised by the community. As with any technology, it’s essential to understand its strengths and weaknesses to make an informed decision about whether to use it.



Go Minimal, Go Xubuntu: Unveiling the Leanest Ubuntu Experience Yet! 

Yesterday marked an exciting milestone for Linux enthusiasts as Ubuntu 24.04 LTS, codenamed “Noble Numbat,” made its debut. Among the plethora of editions and flavors available, one particular release stands out for those who prefer a lean, tailored desktop experience: Xubuntu Minimal.

Gone are the days when users had to strip down their Ubuntu installations manually to achieve a lightweight environment. With the official inclusion of Xubuntu Minimal as a subproject, Ubuntu now offers a refined, slimmed-down version that caters to users seeking a desktop with no preinstalled applications.

What is Xubuntu Minimal?

Xubuntu Minimal, formerly known as Xubuntu Core, is a minimal ISO edition that offers users the essential features of the Xubuntu desktop environment without any unnecessary bloat. With a compact size of just 2.45GB, it offers a foundation upon which users can build their ideal desktop environment, tailored to their specific preferences and requirements.

Download Xubuntu Minimal



If you are downloading Xubuntu minimal torrent file from a Linux system run following

cd Downloads
sudo apt install transmission-cli
transmission-cli xubuntu-24.04-minimal-amd64.iso.torrent

From Windows

Download and install any Torrent client software like


What should I do after installing Xubuntu Minimal?

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install -y thunar-archive-plugin wget vim gpg curl bzip2 firefox
sudo reboot

To know new features in Ubuntu 24.04 LTS, click here.

A Journey Through Library Internship: A Tale of Enthusiastic Learners

As the 15-day library internship programme at Sacred Heart College Library draws to a close, it’s time to reflect on the enriching journey that everyone involved has shared. Two bright interns, Ms. Sathisa and Ms. Aleena, hailing from the Department of Library and Information Science at St. Peter’s College, Kolenchery, embarked on this learning adventure with eagerness and curiosity.

Guiding them through the intricacies of library operations were two librarians, Mr. Biju VV (UGC librarian), myself, and my team from the East Campus Learning Resource Centre. From the outset, it was evident that Sathisa and Aleena were determined to grasp every aspect of library management, from the fundamentals to the nuances of the profession.

The internship was meticulously structured, with the initial seven days spent at the East Campus Learning Resource Centre and the subsequent days at the Central Library. This division allowed them to immerse themselves in different library environments, broadening their understanding of the diverse roles libraries play in academic settings.

During their tenure, they gained exposure to various facets of library management. From book acquisition to meticulous register maintenance, they gained insights into the organisation that underpins effective library functioning. Hands-on experience with library software enhanced their proficiency in tasks such as circulation management and cataloguing in Koha.

Moreover, they delved into the realm of institutional repositories, familiarising themselves with DSpace software for efficient management of digital assets.

Beyond technical skills, we guided them on essential aspects of professional development. They learned the ropes of navigating job vacancies, preparing for interviews, and understanding the responsibilities that come with being a librarian. This holistic approach ensured that they not only acquired technical expertise but also developed the soft skills necessary for success in the field.

As the internship draws to a close, Sathisa and Aleena depart with a wealth of knowledge and experiences that will undoubtedly shape their future endeavours in the field of library and information science.

– Mahesh Palamuttath

Wrapping Up the Third Batch of the Diploma in Library Automation


Rajagiri College of Social Sciences (Autonomous), Kochi, has conducted yet another enriching chapter of the Diploma in Library Automation, leaving me filled with a myriad of emotions. It has been an incredible journey of exploration, learning, and growth, one that has left an indelible mark on each one of us.

Being the instructor for this course has been an absolute privilege. Witnessing the dedication and enthusiasm of each participant has been truly inspiring. From mastering the intricacies of Linux, Koha, and DSpace to delving into the nuances of information retrieval systems, every step of this journey has been marked by curiosity and a thirst for knowledge.

As we bid farewell to the third batch of learners, I can’t help but feel a sense of pride in the progress they have made. Their dedication to honing their skills and embracing new technologies reveals a great deal about their passion for the field of library science.

One of the most rewarding aspects of being an instructor is witnessing the satisfaction and confidence that participants gain as they navigate through the course material. Seeing their faces light up with understanding and excitement as they unravel the complexities of library automation is truly gratifying.

I would also like to express my gratitude to the faculty, Dr. Joshi Sir (Department of Library and Information Sceienece), and other staff of Rajagiri College of Social Sciences for their unwavering support and guidance throughout the duration of the course. Their commitment to academic excellence has played a pivotal role in shaping the success of the course.

Mahesh Palamuttath

Enhancing Research Efficiency: A Dive into Zotero for Sacred Heart College PhD Scholars

On March 8, 2024, I had the privilege of leading a session on “Reference Management Using Zotero” for PhD scholars at Sacred Heart College (Autonomous) as part of the Research Methodology Series. The session, organized by the Sacred Heart College Research Forum at Fr. Francis Sales Library, aimed to equip scholars with essential tools to enhance their research efficiency and productivity.

Zotero, a powerful reference management software, took center stage during our discussion. With its wide range of features tailored to streamline the reference management process, Zotero offers a transformative solution for researchers grappling with citation complexities and bibliographies.

Throughout the session, we delved into the various functionalities of Zotero, from its seamless integration with web browsers to its capability to organize references into easily accessible libraries. Attendees learned how to effortlessly import references from online databases and websites, creating a centralized repository of sources for their research projects. Integration with Microsoft Word, LibreOffice Writer, and Google Docs was also explored.

A highlight of the session was the hands-on demonstration, where scholars had the opportunity to navigate Zotero’s user-friendly interface and practice importing, organizing, and citing references. The interactive nature of the session enabled participants to actively engage with the software, empowering them to incorporate Zotero into their research workflows with confidence.

Furthermore, we discussed the importance of adopting efficient reference management practices to ensure the integrity and credibility of scholarly work. By mastering Zotero, scholars can streamline the citation process, avoid inadvertent plagiarism, and maintain consistency in their bibliographies, ultimately enhancing the quality of their research output.

The session concluded with a lively exchange of ideas and insights, showcasing the enthusiasm and dedication of Sacred Heart College’s PhD scholars to excel in their academic endeavors. Armed with the knowledge and skills gained from the session, I am confident that Zotero will serve as a valuable ally for them as they navigate the intricacies of scholarly writing with ease and precision.


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