Designing an Open-Access Platform for Publishing Scholarly Journals

I was trying to create a demo platform for publishing scholarly journals of institutions under the University of Calicut using the Open Journal System (OJS). It is a demo proposal of my M.Phil thesis entitled ‘Design and Development of an Open-Access Portal for the Scholarly Journals of Institutions under Calicut University’. unfortunately, the installation was not successful, as the latest version of OJS met with several dependencies. after frequent tries, I approached my Tech-guru Dr. Vimal Kumar sir. He too tried but the result was the same as what I received. As he is a man with a wide range network of both library and non-library professionals all over the world, he brought me into contact with Mr. Jeremiah Kellogg Library Faculty, Systems, Eastern Oregon University Library. who helped me creating a VirtualBox image of OJS on Debian OS. and troubleshot the issues that I faced while installing on my PC. I am so grateful to both Dr. Vimal Kumar sir and Mr. Jeremiah Kellogg.

Step by step of Installing OJS 

Install LAMP Stack

LAMP Stack on Debian

LAMP Stack on Ubuntu

After installing LAMP Stack, do the following

sudo systemctl reload apache2 && sudo systemctl restart apache2

Create a directory under webroot of apache, I name the directory as ojs

sudo mkdir /var/www/html/ojs

Navigate to ojs directory

cd /var/www/html/ojs/

Download the latest archive of OJS from the official website

sudo wget

Extract the archive

sudo tar -xvzf ojs-3.3.0-3.tar.gz

Navigate to one folder back

cd ..

Move entire directories and hidden files to the ojs directory

sudo mv /var/www/html/ojs/ojs-3.3.0-3/* /var/www/html/ojs/

Provide write permission to the following directories and file

cd /ojs

sudo chown -R www-data public/ cache/

Navigate to /var/www directory and create a directory for uploading files and give appropriate permission

cd /var/www

sudo mkdir files

sudo chmod -R 777 files/

Create a virtual host, if you are mapping with the domain then create a database, user, and password

sudo mysql -uroot -p  (provide mysql root password)

create database ojs;
grant all privileges on ojs.* to 'ojs'@'localhost' identified by 'ojs123';
flush privileges;

Restart apache

sudo systemctl reload apache2 && sudo systemctl restart apache2

It is ready now, visit or



My first article got published

It’s with immense pleasure and pride, my article got published in the book entitled The Inclination of Library Professionals to Modern Tools in the Knowledge Era, which consists of ten articles that reflect the innovative practices of libraries in the digital environment. Which was co-edited by V., Vimal Kumar, and Savithry T.K published by Kerala Library Association, Kottayam region. The book includes ten papers dealing with various topics that can influence the work-life of the library professionals and the academic community. The subjects discussed in the book are library networks, e-resources, scholarly publishing, digital libraries, knowledge management, Web 2.0, and blockchain technology, etc.

I take this opportunity to thank them, for providing me with a chance to contribute to the book. This book is published under Creative Common License for the free flow of knowledge.


Unleashing Koha: the complete library solution book released

Unleashing Koha: the complete library solution is a Koha user guide that suits all, whether you are a Library and Information Science student or a professional. It includes information on the emergence of Koha, the selection of Linux-based operating systems, Debian/Ubuntu basics, installation of Koha, Koha modules, administration, maintenance, and Koha learning resources. This book gives the step-by-step instructions with clear explanations that demystify Koha. The authors of the book are Library Science professionals and Koha experts.

This book is for Library and Information Science students and professionals with little or no Koha knowledge. It takes you, step by step, through what you need to know to work with Koha.

  • Gives an idea on how to prepare for Koha installation.
  • Configuration of newly installed Koha.
  • Learn fundamental operations of all Koha modules.
  • Introduction to Debian/Linux administration for Koha.
  • Simplified Koha system maintenance.
  • Introduce various resources to keep in touch with the changes in Koha software.
  • Unleashing Koha: the complete library solution is the learning companion you need. It provides hands-on training that lets you dive deep into Koha, the Free Integrated Library Management system.

About the authors

Vimal Kumar V has been teaching and writing about Linux and Koha for more than 15 years. A library professional and an expert in Free and Open Source software. His Koha Geek blog is trendy among the Library and Information Science community.

Subeesh Gopinathan is a tech-savvy young library professional. He is interested in knowing and understanding technology changes. He explores and experiments the Linux-based operating systems and Open Source solutions in libraries. Also acts as a resource person for Koha training programs.

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