Vaidyaratnam P.S. Varier Ayurveda College moved from E-Granthalaya to Koha

I am grateful to be selected for the mission of migrating data from E-Granthalaya library software to Koha ILS at Vaidyaratnam P.S. Varier Ayurveda College Library, Kottakkal, Malappuram, Kerala. Above 24861+ collections with patron data and images were successfully migrated, merging unique bibliographic records, adding bulk punctuation mark, custom fields from the available fields etc. More than 8 days were taken for the back-end as well as for the implementation  work.  Both Mrs. Deepa K  (Chief Librarian) and Mrs. Sindhu (Assistant Librarian) mesdames were so co-operative and available accordingly even during this pandemic.   I am also thankful to the entire management for preferring me for the project.

The following were also done along with Koha

  • In-out Management System
  • Email Configuration for sending notifications to patrons
  • Automatic database backup and sync to cloud storage
  • Implemented DSpace digital repository for the conservation of old text
